Etiquette Creates Opportunities
Gaining the confidence that learning etiquette offers helps you establish credibility in any situation. Kindness and respect anchor all etiquette rules and people recognise when they are backed by authenticity.
Measuring Up
There are certain truths in life that we must learn on our own. That we will have to measure up is one of those realities, which may mean going beyond meeting minimum expectations or requirements.
In business and social circles, there are people who don’t fit in or aren’t invited into the circle. They didn’t measure up, or weren't included, for whatever reason. But those who do fit in had something in common or some desirable quality that helped them measure up.
Susie Wilson Etiquette creates opportunities to measure up because those who employ it are easy to be with. Think of the type of person you prefer to be around. Someone who is nervous and lacking confidence, or someone who is interested in you, asks thoughtful questions, and puts you at ease?
Civility and Common Sense
Civility is a matter of common sense and good judgment. And if it is a core mind and heart intention, a person can devote their attention to learning the in’s and out’s of behaving well. When you are considered well-mannered and well-behaved, doors open. People will invite you into their space and you will be able to get your ideas across.
Help others to be comfortable with you by acting the part. Extending courtesies such as “Please,” “Thank you,” and “Excuse me,” become so much a part of you that you will find people welcome you into their space because it’s more pleasant when you are there.
Focusing on etiquette serves to remind us to be kinder and nicer persons to others. As a result, people are nice in return. This reciprocity makes for a happier life!
Etiquette Creates Opportunities Through Mindfulness
Etiquette guides us to be mindful of other people and their needs. Using your awareness of those around you and the environment in which you find yourself, you can recognize when etiquette creates opportunities to help others and, also opportunities to receive help.
Be mindful of where you are and why.
Be positive and encouraging to others and yourself.
Say “no” when negativity creeps in. “No, you may not run yourself into the ground with criticism. You might not feel positive, but act the part anyway.”
Remember to make a good impression by helping people feel at ease and safe in your space.
Seize common occasions and make them great by being yourself and welcoming others.
An add-on to the above practices is the following Quick Self-test on Self-conduct:
How do I treat clients or customers or co-workers? My family members?
Do I follow dress and other codes of conduct?
How do my emails and other messages size up in terms of politeness and time consideration of readers?
How do I conduct myself in business, group, and personal meetings?
Do I have mannerly interactions on the phone and social media?
Do I say things that others may receive as critical or negative?
Gaining the confidence that learning etiquette offers helps you establish credibility in any situation. Kindness and respect anchor all etiquette rules and people recognize when they are backed by authenticity.
Etiquette defines how people draw the line between what is acceptable and what is not. Opportunity can be elusive, but etiquette-fulness always occasions the opportunity for opportunity. Check out Susie Wilson Finishing workshops for self improvement.